
Some cool stuff that I have done!

Financial Coconut Transcripts

Financial Coconut Transcripts

End-to-end ML project - data collection, transcription, summarisation, front-end website building and deployment - with MLOps to automate all that

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Hierarchical Kalman Variational AutoEncoder for Video Prediction

Hierarchical Kalman Variational AutoEncoder for Video Prediction

Developed efficient method for video prediction for Masters Dissertation. Combined Variational AutoEncoders with Kalman Filters.

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How Well Do Self-Supervised Models Transfer to Medical Imaging?

How Well Do Self-Supervised Models Transfer to Medical Imaging?

Published paper as part of Masters group project. Investigated the performance of pretrained SSL models in medical imaging.

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Causal ML to infer heterogeneity in experiments

Causal ML to infer heterogeneity in experiments

Best Undergraduate Dissertation. Employed causal ML to identify new heterogeneous effects for experiments previously analysed by OLS.

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R package to compare between synthetic datasets

R package to compare between synthetic datasets

Contributions as part of Singapore Department of Statistics internship: First open-source package to systematically evaluate synthetic data based on differential privacy and accuracy of data.

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Tabular Reinforcement Learning from Scratch

Tabular Reinforcement Learning from Scratch

Implement and train RL algorithms (e.g. value iteration, dynamic programming, Monte Carlo & SARSA) from scratch.

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Deep Reinforcement Learning from Scratch

Deep Reinforcement Learning from Scratch

Implement and train deep RL (DQN,DDQN) from scratch, including features like replay buffer, target network, and frame-skipping.

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AI agent for Battleship

AI agent for Battleship

Wrote Battleship in Python. Programmed player to always win based on probabilities.

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AI agent for Connect 4

AI agent for Connect 4

Wrote Connect 4 in Python, and implemented alpha-beta pruning to search for optimal solution.

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