Variational Recurrent Neural Networks


Variational Recurrent Neural Network

Paper: A Recurrent Latent Variable Model for Sequential Data Authors: Junyoung Chung, Kyle Kastner, Laurent Dinh, Kratarth Goel, Aaron Courville, Yoshua Bengio


Variational Recurrent Neural Networks (VRNN) combine both Variational Autoencoders (VAE) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN). They make use of the recurrent nature of RNNs to model for temporal dependencies between latent variables and make sure of VAEs to inject stochasticity into the latent variables.VRNN methods outperform RNN methods in modelling for highly structured (high signal to noise ratio) and highly variable data.


A common approach is to use RNNs to model latent variables - this is also known as the state transition. Due to the recurrent nature, h_{t} is a function of h_{t-1}, and this function is deterministic, as parameterised by the learnable parameters in an RNN. We then use a stochastic output probability/emission probability, where x_t is a function of h_{t-1}. We can use a Gaussian distribution or Gaussian mixture model to inject this stochasticity.

However, the authors argued that only having a stochastic emission probability is inadequate for representing highly variable and highly structured (high signal to noise ratio). Since the only source of data variability comes from x_t, a good model must be able to map small variations in x_t to large variations in the hidden states ht, such that this variability will in turn be reflected in x_{t+1}. In other words, we need to sufficiently encode variability in x_t. However, limiting the capacity of the network to prevent overfitting will prevent us from effectively doing so.

  1. Stochasticity due to unknown/unobserved latent variables

    • E.g. when we drop an object to the ground, how it drops depends on the unknown weight of this object
  2. Video prediction has multiple modes inherently.

    • When we have access to the first few context frames, the range of possibilities on what will happen in the next frames is large.

Variational Autoencoders(VAEs)

To overcome these limitations, the authors turn to VAEs. First, let us examine standard non-sequential VAEs. In VAEs, the latent variables z are stochastic. The joint distribution p(x,z) = p(x \mid z)p(z) where the generative model p(x \mid z) is deterministic but highly nonlinear (e.g. a neural network).

Rather, the stochasticity comes from the random latent variables z, where the prior p(z) is commonly a simple Gaussian. Since the problem of maximising the joint probability is intractable as we need to marginalise over all values of z, we maximise the ELBO instead. This requires us to compute the approximate posterior/inference model q(z \mid x) which is stochastic. Specifically, we often use a conditional Gaussian whose mean and variance are non linear mappings of x.

To compare this against the standard RNN, instead of using a stochastic output probability, we have a deterministic one instead (generative model p(x \mid z)). Rather, we inject stochasticity into the latent variables where they were previously deterministic.


To model for temporal dependencies in sequential data, we use an RNN for every time step.

(a) Prior

In the generative model, we are interested in the prior of z at every time step. It is no longer a standard Gaussian, but a Gaussian whose parameters are functions of h_{t-1}. In other words, latent variables are conditional on past sequences which is encoded in the hidden state h_{t-1}.

z_t \sim N(\mu_{t}, \text{diag}(\sigma^2_{t})) where [\mu_t, \sigma_t^{2}] = \phi_{\tau}^{\text{prior}} (h_{t-1})

We will see later that this defines the probability p(z_t \mid x_{<t}, z_{<t}) because h_{t-1} is conditioned on z_{<t}.

This relationship can be clearly seen in Figure 1 below.

(b) Generative model

Consequently, the generative model x_t \mid z_t will not only be conditional on x_t, but also on h_{t-1}.

x_t \mid z_t \sim N(\mu_{x,t}, \text{diag}(\sigma^2_{x,t})) where [\mu_{x,t}, \sigma_{x,t}^{2}] = \phi_{\tau}^{\text{decoder}} (\phi_{\tau}^{z}(z_t), h_{t-1})

N.B. that \phi_{\tau}^{z} and \phi_{\tau}^{x} (seen below) are feature extractors to extract features from z_t and x_t respectively. These are found to be crucial and will also be used in the recurrence equation.

Again, we will see later that this defines the probability p(x_t \mid x_{<t}, z_{<t}) because h_{t-1} is also conditioned on x_{<t}.

(c) Recurrence

We use an RNN approach for recurrence. This is classic and straightforward. At every time step, the inputs are some information on xt, some information on z_{t}, and the hidden state from the previous time step h_{t-1}. The output is h_{t}. I use the phrase "some information" because we are running z_t and x_t through their respective feature extractors.

h_t = f_\theta(\phi_{\tau}^{z}(z) ,\phi_{\tau}^{x}(x), h_{t-1})

where f is the standard deterministic transition function we have in RNNs.

(d) Inference

This is very similar to what we hav seen before - the approximate posterior is not only a function of x_t but also of h_{t-1} (and therefore z_{<t}, x_{<t}).

z_t \mid x_t \sim N(\mu_{z, t}, \sigma_{z, t}^2) where [\mu_{z,t}, \sigma_{z,t}^{2}] = \phi_{\tau}^{\text{encoder}} (\phi_{\tau}^{x}(x_t), h_{t-1})